"Where flowers bloom so does hope"

Author: cmontanile (Page 1 of 3)

Blog Post Five of Eagle Camera

April 22, 2019

Time on: 6:30

Time off: 6:45

On today’s eagle camera I noticed the baby eaglets have grown a substantial amount.  The last observation I observed the baby eaglets were covered in light gray feathers. The baby eaglets now have dark brown feathers the approximate age of these baby eaglets looks to be 3-4 weeks old. The mother and father are not perched in the nest. One of the eaglets is more active than the other. One of the eaglets insist on play fighting, however, the other baby eaglets insist on laying down.  I also, noticed how persistence one of the baby eaglet is as it looks as if it wants to take flight sooner than his or her sibling. The mother and father never returned back to the nest during the observation time as they were probably in search of food to bring back.

What makes a good scientist?

  • In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger?  What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you?
  • What is your impression of scientific writing?

Answer this question after you watch the video

  • How do Wilson’s ideas fit with your experience or ideas about scientific writing?
  • What if anything surprised you about Wilson’s description of scientists, and their emotions and values as they fit into the process of science?

Biology About Me


My name is Christina Montanile. I have already taken a Biology Course last semester. I am a first-year student who is looking to Major in Occupational Therapy. A fun fact about myself is that I have an identical twin that attends Saint Joesph’s College in Maine.

Blog 18

My goal for this major paper is to incorporate different multimodal elements, strengthen my thesis, claim sentences and find better-supporting information. At first, my claim sentences had no relevance to what I was addressing and the sentences did not connect back to my thesis. I wrote to write something down on the paper, however, that did not get me anywhere. After that, I think sitting with Professor Emerson and really understanding what a claim sentence and thesis were to have it truly helped improve these two elements. Another, area of weakness that I struggle with is finding the correct quotes that support my argument and relate back to the main argument of my paper. In order to achieve my goal, I need to take my time and produce an outline. Producing an outline allows me to have a setup and express my ideas in an orderly fashion. This outline will allow me to produce a better thesis and be able to connect it to my claim sentences but also, my supporting information. With the multimodal elements, I will embed my podcast into my paper, images of wealth and the last element I have yet to come up with an idea for yet. If I am having a difficult time producing these multimodal elements that I will contact Professor Emerson or reach out to peers to help me achieve this goal.

Blog #16

Free Write/Brainstorm:

My initial thought of beauty is the countless emotions that are extracted from a place, image or random act of kindness. Beauty is interpreted differently and the question I have is why does everyone comprehend beauty in different ways, is it because you live in a different place or generationally time zones. With the support of my article and Armstrong, I think I will use this question to incorporate in my essay. Of right now, the community that I was thinking of using is my hometown, Lynnfield Ma. I think having these three different passages it will help back up my intended question I am going to ask in my essay.


Do you think growing up in a wealthy community, Beauty is defined differently?

Growing up in a wealthy environment the definition of beauty is different in comparison, to those who do not come from wealth. The community of Lynnfield stems from those who have wealth and the beauty of this town is the amount of money you obtain. Having money is an art of beauty within its self. Obtaining certain amounts of money, beauty is seen through the materialistic items that one buys, not the little things in life. I think the article, I have chosen will support this concept of wealth because the perfect smile, addresses the matter of having that just right smile around the world. Likewise, the individuals who live in Lynnfield would fit this stereotype because they want and long for the perfect smile and much more in life. In addition, to the concept of longing, it can aid with the idea of Armstrong’s. Armstrong’s form drive is the long-term desire for an order because mankind wants and seeks to obtain the newest car or traveling the world for example.

Another question that I am considering using is Growing up in a different generation time do you think the definition of beauty has changed? If so, how or what has changed?

Growing up in the generation of Z the definition of beauty is different in comparison to millennials. My generation sees beauty in the art of technology and how they can have the newest brand of clothing, for example, Gucci. The community of Lynnfield fits this branding because my generation comes from families who have wealth and can afford the latest styles. However, millennials would not see the beauty within the latest clothing brand, they would see the beauty within the beholder. The beauty of the beholder is the freedom of expression and what the person has the offer to the world, the diverse characteristics would be a way of expression. The beauty would be a place, object or image that they have encountered that allowed that millennial to feel those different emotions that the art of beauty stems from. If you were to ask older individuals of what they thought beauty is that they would say something completely different from a teenager nowadays. I think that an important concept that will help support the idea of my essay and so forth.

Blog #15

The article that I chose to read about is, “The perfect smile” by Rose Xi Man Poon, she explains how one’s perfect smile is defined in your own perspective but also, how different countries and areas define a perfect smile. The perfect smile is becoming a popular trend and individuals are seeking to desire the right smile in the community. This article can relate to Schiller’s idea of form drive because people nowadays long to have a perfect smile in the world we live in today.

The first podcast that I was thinking of incorporating in my essay would be Terry’s and Alex’s Podcast. I think that this podcast will work well in my essay because it explains the comfortability in your own skin, it is a lifelong journey. The podcast supports the concept of whether you are comfortable in your skin because people are telling you to do this and or to better yourself, but in reality that is not what the individual truly desires. Many individuals are striving for someone else’s goal in life, but that is not what the person really wants in life.

The second podcast that I was thinking of using was Jamies and Taylor podcast of Taylors younger sister. I chose this podcast because her perspective of beauty is different. The vision of beauty changes as one gets older. I think this will help support my essay because it shows that beauty and being beautiful is not a major stress there are worse things than being that perfect pictured individual or place.  





Blog #14

Beauty in my perspective is an individual who is internally beautiful and expresses the beauty of caring for others. Someone who is caring puts themselves before others in their lifetime and wants others to achieve success. These individuals express generosity to those around them and spread the beauty of their soul beyond a reasonable measure. Growing up in a small community, you would think beauty would be easily demonstrated. However, the only thing that comes to mind is when they light the center of the town with Christmas lights. The town that I live in comes from wealth and the higher upper-class status. So then, with that concept beauty in my community is having the newest iPhone, car or clothing item. Author, John Armstrong of La Bella Vita, states “To regard beauty as a luxury adornment or a social signifier was to miss the true potential of the experience.” Growing up in the town of Lynnfield, MA the community would overlook the small things in life as they would miss out on the deeper meaning of the item. As they see beauty as owning the biggest house and having the newest and fanciest items on the market. Comparing beauty to these luxurious items prevents the community of Lynnfield to appreciate that beauty of obtaining these objects. Armstrong supports this idea as he acknowledges, “Like many people today, Schiller worried that beauty was too connected to social status. And indeed, many loathsome people own beautiful things, and the possession of these objects does not seem to make them more humans or epically gracious”(5). This is an accurate statement as the community of Lynnfield worries if they have the newest phone, car or clothing item. These individuals compare themselves to those around them and comparing those around you is not the art of beauty. The art of beauty is becoming your own caring person, who wants the best of those around them.

Blog #13

The chapter I chose to read was chapter one in They Say/I say, Starting with What Others Are Saying. The reason to why I chose this chapter in this book is because I struggle with connecting my main idea back to my theme and or claim sentence. In this chapter, it explains how to introduce the standard view and then to follow up with the support of your claim. This chapters, explains the correct template for making what they say into your own say. For example, what you believe is to be correct or what you assume is to be a valid reason. Another thing to add about this chapter is how to keep your idea of what you say in perspective. The reader won’t be able to follow the unfolding response, therefore, it is the writer’s job to keep reminding the readings what the claim is supposed to be.


“Anyone can make a masterpiece but artist are the ones that can alter a societies perspective of the art presented. These elitist thought that if you did not create an image of your own masterpiece than you were like everyone else. What the EA’s do not comprehend is that art stems from other artist and helps them to create a mural that affects a greater population.” 


A number of the Effective Altruism have suggested that a masterpiece has to be your own thoughts. You would think that a piece of artwork needs the aid of others to gather ideas and new thinkings. At the same time, the Effective altruism sees this perspective as taking from other’s, they want artist ideas or thoughts to be original to this world. If they were not to be then you as an artist are to be plagiarizing the world. In conclusion, as suggested earlier by the effective altruism, the defendants thought of art not obtaining both ways. Their statement suggests that art is supposed to be originally, however, art needs both perspectives in order to grow and inspire other artists within the world.

Blog #12

I think that in the world we live in today that there should be an equal balance when it comes to both art and sciences. Art and Science are key concepts that help our world go round and with combining these two ideas together the world itself could become a stronger unit. In this short passage, “We must Protect U.S. investment in Scientific Knowledge,” written by Mark B. Boslough, Congress view’s science as a waste of time but also, a major waste of money. Congress feels as is scientific knowledge does not relay enough information to the world. Congress expresses it setback about science, “They think that spending on science s like throwing money into a big hole in the ground,” as they do not agree with the trial and error ordeal. That with these types of test it is a waste and congress thinks the money could be spent elsewhere rather than the knowledge of science. If Boslough connected his idea’s back to the nature of art than Congress would believe the importance of science and how this concept contributes to the world. In comparison, “The Future of Science…is Art?” by John Lehere he mentions both the importance of how art and science correlate with one another.  As the state, “In doing science, even though words and equations are used with intention of having precise meaning, it is almost impossible not to reason by physical analogy, no to form mental pictures, not to imagine balls bouncing and pendulums swinging.”  With the help of art in science, it enables one’s mind to use images and the form of art to understand the bigger picture. Overall, with the power of art and science, it allows the mind to process the importance of how these two concepts come together as one.

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