• In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger?  What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you?
  • I tend to find myself to be a blogger. Someone that likes to brainstorm and put my idea’s out there for a specific theme or discussion that may be going on. 
  • What is your impression of scientific writing?
  • My first impression of scientific writing is that it needs fact to back up a theory or hypothesis regarding a specific topic. Personally, I have never written a scientific paper in my life so I am unsure of what is it suppose to consist of.  I think a scientific paper is discovering new findings or research and report it out to surrounding peers. 

Answer this question after you watch the video

  • How do Wilson’s ideas fit with your experience or ideas about scientific writing?
  • Wilson’s idea fit with my experience addressing that a scientific paper is just a hypothesis that is being tested. He also, mentioned how the scientist is striving to discovering something in hopes that their hypothesis or theory can be proven valid or invalid. A scientific writing paper takes a very long time. It consists of the scientist going back and forth competing with themselves to possess the most valid information to share with their peers.
  • What if anything surprised you about Wilson’s description of scientists, and their emotions and values as they fit into the process of science?
  • One thing that surprised me was how emotionally invested these scientists became in their studies. I do not think that it is worth wild investing all your hopes into scientific writing just in case the discovery is proven wrong. Investing all their emotions and values into their studies can be draining and enable the scientists to lose hope every time they want to discover something new. Another piece of information that he mentioned is how the scientist becomes a bookkeeper as well as a poet, journalist and then returns back to a discussion. I thought that this information is very interesting as it one big circle of revolving ideas and writing processes.