"Where flowers bloom so does hope"

Blog #8

#1:  As artist feeds off of one another to get a different perspective and grow as a painter.  Within this, the Effective Altruism states, “It doesn’t matter who does something-what matters is that it gets done. And though artists often pride themselves on the uniqueness of their individuality, it doesn’t follow that they have something unique to offer to society”(3, Southan). No matter what an artist creates, I personally think that every art canvas targets a specific grouping in life’s category. It doesn’t matter that the art impact society as a whole. It slowly begins within a small group of individuals and then it progresses onto a bigger group.

Revision #1: The Effective Altruism, a group of individuals who believe that art is not okay in the society we live in today. They believe that art has no relevance and can not contribute to real-world suffering. In short, the Effective Altriums expresses, “It doesn’t matter who does something-what matters is that it gets done. And though artists often pride themselves on the uniqueness of their individuality, it doesn’t follow that they have something unique to offer to society”(3, Southan). In all the Effective Altruism believes that uniqueness of an artist is a rare thing to discover in art and that someone has already created something. Therefore, there is no more room for improvement but one’s own work to display to societies.

#2: Even though there are negative things about artwork and artist all around the world Southan, tries to help individuals see beyond these problems. Southan explains, “But there are plenty of people drawn to the media and the arts who care about making the world better”(5, Southan) it does not matter whether you like art or disagree if art is important. Art is like propaganda to society is grabs certain groups from certain standing and helps rally them in for a cause.

Revision #2: Art has many beneficial aspects to itself. This form of visual representation has the media in all surrounding countries expressing their own thoughts and ideas about real-world issues. Southan himself states, “But there are plenty of people drawn to the media and the arts who care about making the world better”(5, Southan) Art is like propaganda to society is grabs certain groups from certain standing and helps rally them in for a cause to improve the quality of one’s lifestyle.

1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    Good! Remember to connect these quotes into the arc of your entire argument. For example, how does the idea of uniqueness (or similarity) between artists connect into your ongoing opinion?

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