My first impression I had when I heard about blogging, was oh my!

I am not that good with technology or working any form of website so I got nervous. Being nervous, I thought to myself I may mess up here and there but I am okay with that. My senior year, we used a website called Weebly that was another form of a portfolio. I grew to like that website. Personally, I think Eportfolio has more options to express your feelings and what you are trying to portray to your viewers. This project does excite me because you can make your portfolio anything you want. I foresee some technology difficulties however, with the help of our teacher and the tech department support I think we will able to overcome any issues that arise. When looking through my classmates websites, I found Jonathan’s portfolio to be interesting . You can tell that his website is unique to himself and that his header image is represented by that. Another classmates, that stood out to me was Olivia’s website her header image and quote was very joyful. As a viewer you could tell that she took her time with it and throughly thought out was she wanted her website to look like. I am very much looking forward to developing my website and becoming more familiar with it!

Here is the link to my finished portfolio: